A new and one-of-a-kind concept.
A roaming s pac e dedicated to new mag ic with intimate shows every 20 minutes.
An artistic installation that enhances public spaces, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.
A captivating meeting place that trans forms s mall moments into great magical experiences.

PRODUCTION : Doble Mandoble
SUPPORT FOR CREATION : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Administration générale de la Culture, Service du Cirque, des Arts forains et des Arts de la Rue ; Service des Arts de la Scène de la Province de Hainaut/La Fabrique de Théâtre ; SACD
RESIDENCES: UP – Circus & Performing Arts, CIRKLABO Leuven, La Roseraie.

La Leyenda de Kulkatan
Here is the story of Professor Galvani, an occult professor who travels with his attraction in search of the answer to the origin of life – and of a chosen one who can free him and his "monster" from their enslavement.
Indeed, Professor Galvani is bound to his monster as if it were his own life. Inseparable, they are forced to wander in the realm of the damned, condemned to seek their salvation there to escape from hell. Through the tale of these two anti-heroes, we recount the history of the traveling show from its origins to the present day, reinterpreting the myth with a contemporary perspective.

Concept, writing, directing : Miguel Ángel Córdoba & Andrea Fidelio |
Performer : Miguel Ángel Córdoba, Luis Javier Córdoba & Andrea Fidelio |
Production manager : Veera Kaukoranta |
Conception and realization of set design and visuals : María Solà Font, Laura Jacqueson, Miguel Ángel Córdoba, Andrea Fidelio |
Construction of the set design : Les menuisiers de la Fabrique de Théâtre, Mathieu Moronof, Luca Mercatelli | Construction of the set design : Doble Mandoble |
Masque and makeup : Jean-Raymond Brassinne |
Music : Basile Richon |
Yurt canvas sewing : Stéphanie-Anne Diot/Entretoile & Marie Frétard/Fil'usine
Production : Doble Mandoble
Coproduction : Namur en Mai, CIRKLABO Leuven
With the support of : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Administration générale delaCulture,ServiceduCirque,des Arts forains et des Arts de la Rue ; Service des Arts de la Scène de la Province de Hainaut/La Fabrique de Théâtre ; SACD
Résidences : UP – Circus & Performing Arts, CIRKLABO Leuven, La Roseraie